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Connecting using OpenId Connect

If your authentication provider is compatible with OpenID connect, you can allow your users to authenticate to WorkAdventure using their credentials from your authentication provider. By connecting to an external OpenID provider, WorkAdventure allows users to use their existing login information from that provider to access the WorkAdventure service, making it easier and more convenient for them to log in. This also provides an additional layer of security, as the authentication is handled by your provider, rather than WorkAdventure itself.

BO OpenId connect form

To configure your provider, you will have to fill these 5 input fields:

  • Application name: name of your SSO settings for WorkAdventure, it does not affect the OpenId connection protocol.
  • Application id: ID of your SSO OpenId provider. This information is provided by your provider.
  • Application secret: Secret of your SSO OpenId provider. This information is provided by your provider.
  • OpenId SSO Domain: URL of your provider. Your OpenId SSO provider should have well-know configuration setting defined URL: /.well-known/openid-configuration. For example for the Google OpenId provider, the well-know configuration URL is So the OpenId domain is
  • Scope: Scope available for your OpenId provider (openid, profile, email...). You should at least put the "openid" scope.

Authentication mandatory

If you switch on this parameter, any visitor coming to your world will be redirected to the login page of your authentication provider.

SSO settings information

  • Our domain is:
  • The redirect URI of your SSO settings will be<application_id>/callback
  • Our privacy policy:
  • Our term of use:
  • Our cookie policy:
  • Our Sub-processors:

Example: Connecting to Google OpenId provider

Create your API Key

Go to Google Cloud Platform : Create an ID client Oauth.

Google OpenId connect form

In the settings form, the WorkAdventure information are:

  • Javascript authorize:
  • Redirect url authorize:

Google authorize

After this step, your Id and Secret will be generated.

The key generated is listed on your "Client ID Oauth2.0" dashboard.

Google id and secret

The second and last step is on the Oauth consent screen.

If not already specified, set "User Type" to allow access for all selected individuals. After that you can update or create consent page.

Google consent settings

Required fields:

  • Home page:
  • Privacy policy:
  • Terms of use:
  • Domain:

There are more details about you.

Google consent settings form

After that, you need to set the scope of your Google SSO provider, as well as set the level of access to the information we can request from your provider for the connected user.

As of this writing, WorkAdventure uses only the email address and the name of the user (you can force the user to use his/her name of OpenID in the world settings).

Google consent settings form

If all information has been validated, the next step should be confirmation.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Example: Connecting to Microsoft Azure OpenId provider

Create a New Application Registration

MS Azur register app form

In the Azure AD dashboard, select "App registrations" under the "Manage" section. Click on the "+ New registration" button. Fill in the necessary details for your application: Name: Enter a name for your application. Supported account types: Choose whether the application will be used by accounts in your organizational directory only, or by accounts in any Azure AD directory. Redirect URI: This is the URI to which Azure AD will redirect after authentication. For WorkAdventure this URL is available on your admin dashboard on the . Click the "Register" button.

Configure Application Settings

After registering the application, you'll be taken to the application's overview page. Here, you can configure various settings:

  • Application ID: This is also known as the Client ID. It's a unique identifier for your application.
  • Directory (tenant) ID: This is the ID of your Azure AD tenant.
  • Authentication settings: Configure how users sign in to your application, including supported account types and platform configurations.

Define API Permissions

MS Azur permission app form

WorkAdventure needs different permissions according your usages, you'll need to define the required permissions:

In the application's overview page (in your Azure AD dashboard), click on "API permissions".

Click on the "+ Add a permission" button.

Select the API you want to access (Microsoft Graph). Choose the required permissions for your usages:

  • openid (required): Needed to allow the OpenID Connect authentication protocol
  • email (required): Needed to create a member account in WorkAdventure
  • Presence Read/Write (optional) : This is required if you want to use the Teams status synchronization feature

Configure Authentication

MS Azure redirect app form

Under the application's settings, navigate to the "Authentication" section. Configure the authentication method for your application in your case it must be web, such as setting up a callback URL for redirect after login, these URL is available on your WorkAdventure admin dashboard at the OpenId section.

Obtain Application Secrets (Client Secrets)

In the application's settings, go to the "Certificates & secrets" section. Generate a new client secret (also known as an application secret). This secret is used for authentication between your application and Azure AD.

Enable Teams Status Synchronization

This feature allows you to synchronize the status of your Microsoft Teams account with your WorkAdventure account.

When you are in a MS Teams meeting or call, your status will be automatically updated to "busy" in WorkAdventure. And it also works the other way around: when you are in a WorkAdventure bubble or meeting, your status will be automatically updated to "busy" in MS Teams.

This way, your colleagues will know when you are available or not, whatever the application you are using.


To enable this feature, you must first configure an OpenId Connect SSO on Microsoft Azure with the "Presence Read/Write" permission on your world.

This feature is only working with Microsoft Teams Work/School accounts.

Go on the "Developer / Oauth OpenId" section of the WorkAdventure dashboard.

Where you configured your Microsoft Azure OpenId Connect, a "Microsoft Configuration" section is available.


This section is only visible for domains started with "" for applications with a custom domain name please contact us to be able to configure this part.

You have just to check the "Microsoft Teams Status Synchronization" to enable the status synchronization on all maps of this world.

MS Azure Sync form