
Participants look for immersive experiences. Make your next public event more human by engaging with more fun and spontaneous interactions.

The context

Tobias Kirschke, Security Analyst CERT and Technical lead TI_ctf, and Pit Weber, Teamleader CERT and Organizational lead TI_ctf, explain how they used WorkAdventure. 

"The goal of the capture the flag (CTF) event is to hack into a computer system and find the "flag". As Security Analysts at the Cyber Defense Center, we enjoy participating in CTF events to expand and apply our knowledge to exciting tasks as well as to increase the internal team spirit. Our goal is to organize a public annual CTF event for participants in the German-speaking area, in which we present our products in a hacking contest with our partners in a playful way, in which we provide tasks in a simulated environment. We do not use the event to find bugs or vulnerabilities in our products, we just like to use them as our yearly changing theme.


Example of feature

The benefits

"When building the map, we use the functions provided in the Workadventure API, for example code-protected doors or roofs, which are hidden when entering houses as well as user and team access areas, to implement team access
management and provide every team with their own team map. We create several maps for our events, there is a main map where all the teams meet and where the event starts. In addition, we offer a help desk, partner stands and a stage for lectures in this world.

After the event has started, the teams are admitted to the
map provided for their team, in which they have to solve tasks that are provided and unlocked in ctfd.

Workadventure offers a great opportunity to implement our project and hold public events. it is always an experience to see hundreds of pixel characters walking across the map."

Example of feature





direct interactions


successful events organized

virtual world

Create your virtual world from scratch and customize it at your convenience for each occasion. 

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Integrate content

Integrate all kind of content for your public events: videos, PDFs, website links...

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Integrate quizzes and surveys for participants to give feedback on their public event experience.

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What Gematik says about us !
Possibility example


Possibility example

User Friendly

Possibility example


Possibility example

Virtual World

Possibility example
